
As I progress in my career, I realise that being able to communicate your ideas and knowledge to the people around you requires you to have a good vocabulary of words. That includes the technical terms in your area of specialization.

These words not only convey the point across cleanly with no dubious definitions, but it also has the collateral effect to impress your audience.

Doing things for the sake of impressing others does not come across as being humble, which is a highly valued virtue as far as I’m concerned.

However, in the world of programming, I find that impressing your peers is necessary.

Let’s say if you have a discussion on an algorithm or an architecture solution, those small little positive impressions you have accumulated in your every day code reviews, standups, meetings etc will add weight to your voice in these discussion.

The key thing here is not about winning discussions. The key thing here is about getting your point across correctly

Here is a glossary of the “more professional” words mapped to how I was saying it.

Words How I was saying it
Nomenclature How you name your [variables, methods, etc.]
Distributed If you have your server in 1 region, and your database in another
Blue green deployment Deploy without downtime
Rolling update deployment Deploy without downtime
Leverage on Make use of
Simultaneously/asynchonously At the same time
IO bound Need to wait for operations like HTTP request, database calls etc.
Middleware Wrap every request in a function to (eg. log the request details etc.)

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